Teste Galeria de Vídeos
Manual da bioimpedância Inbody 720 (inglês)

02 Manual Da Bioimpedancia Inbody 720 (ingles)
Orientações para a realização da bioimpedância Inbody 720

01 Orientacoes Realizacao Bioimpedancia

03 Programa De SICI IDEB E Roche

02 Pacote De Servicos E Educacao Em Diabetes

01 Apresentacao Do Programa Juntos Pelo Diabetes
Diabetes of the Exocrine Pancreas Related to Hereditary Pancreatitis,an Update

Diabetes Of The Exocrine Pancreas RAMALHO, G. X. ; DYTZ, M. G. . Diabetes of the exocrine pancreas related to Hereditary Pancreatitis, an uptade. Current Diabetes Reports , v. 20, p. 16, 2020.
Entropy and uniformity as additional parameters to optimize the effectiveness of bone CT in the evaluation of acromegalic patients

Entropy And Uniformity As Additional Parameters DYTZ, O. C. ; BERGER, P. A. ; DYTZ, M. G. ; BARBOSA, B. A. ; JREIGE JUNIOR, A. ; REGGATIERI, N. A. T. ; DISEGNA, A. ; PAULA, W. D. ; CASULARI, L. A. ; NAVES, L. A. . Entropy and uniformity as additional parameters to optimize the […]
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